Niobec is one of only three primary Niobium producers globally.

Niobium is a critical alloying agent used in the production of everyday essential products. Importantly, it is a key input for producing high-strength, low-alloy steel. Across sectors such as automotive, construction, and infrastructure, global OEMs depend on Niobium for its advantageous alloying properties, including increased strength, durability, and resistance to corrosion.

Where Niobium Is Used



The integration of $9 worth of niobium in an automobile reduces its weight by 100kg and increases its fuel efficiency by 5%.


Niobium is used to make pipelines stronger, safer, and longer lasting.


Niobium is used in construction steels to improve strength and durability while enabling dematerialization and enhanced sustainability.



Niobium and titanium alloys are used in a variety of implants, braces and fracture-reduction plates.


Niobium oxides are currently being tested as a viable solution to dramatically reduce charging times in battery applications for electric vehicle and other industries.

Rockets and Satellites

Used in spacecraft. Notably, 60% of Apollo 11’s structure was made of niobium-bearing steel.


Niobec Highlights

Based in Saint-Honoré in the Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean region, Niobec has been in production since 1976. It is one of only three global producers of niobium, and the only producer located outside of Brazil. Located only 500km from Montreal and 200km from Quebec City, Niobec is supported by world-class infrastructure including readily available and 100% renewable electricity sources. Niobec is a vertically integrated manufacturing facility and produces a final product that is sold directly to steel producers worldwide.


Critical Product With No Substitutes

Niobium is a critical input necessary for the production of a variety of products; from rockets and satellites, to automobiles, pipelines, reactors, and more.

Performance and Sustainability

Small amounts of Niobium provide significant benefits; $9 of niobium in a vehicle reduces weight by more than 100kg. Crucially, Niobec operates with a low carbon footprint, utilizing renewable power, largely recycled water and with inert, non-acid generating tailings.

Health and Safety

Niobec deeply embodies its commitment to ensuring ‘Every Person Goes Home Safe And Healthy, Everyday’. Niobec’s strong safety culture has fostered continuous improvements in incident rates and overall safety performance, and we are committed to continuing to improve on this each and everyday

Niobec Leadership Team

  • Patrick Chabot

    General Manager

  • Melanie Renschler

    Managing Director Europe and Africa

Operations Overview

Niobec operates in Quebec, considered one of the leading jurisdictions in North America. Our operations are vertically integrated which allows for complete control over the product lifecycle. This also enables significant cost savings, quality control, and economies of scale.



  • Underground open-stope mining operation

  • Stopes are drilled, loaded with explosives and detonated

  • Blasted ore falls to the lowest level where it is gathered and transported to a crusher and then hoisted to surface


  • Processing plant converts ore into a niobium oxide concentrate

  • Milling process includes crushing, grinding, sorting, desliming, magnetic separation, flotation, leaching, filtering and drying of the concentrate


  • Converter transforms the niobium oxide concentrate into ferroniobium via an aluminothermic reaction on a batch basis

  • Ferroniobium is sold directly to steel producers worldwide



Niobec holds key certifications in production, marketing, environmental, and regulatory.


Statements, Policies and Additional Information


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